Max Volleyball
Coed 6s Thurs August 20, 2009 Playoffs
All games at Shefford
Tonight is the playoff round.  There will be TWO best of 3 matches tonight.  First round of matches
is the semi-finals.  The winner of each semi play against each other immediately after both matches 
are done, the losers play against each other in a third place match.  Top two teams get t-shirts as 
prizes and league champion gets Sens tickets.  See staff on site after the completion of the matches
to redeem your t-shirts and make sure to leave your mailing address so that the tickets can be 
mailed out to you.
Court 23 @ 6:15 Sloppy Sets
Team One
Court 24 @ 6:15 Jagerbombs
Totally Hammered
Finals @ 7 on court 23 Winner Ct 23
Winner Ct 24
3rd place match @ 7 on court 24
Loser Ct 23
Loser Ct 24